Overall File Structure

After the completion of the registration process, you are ready to prepare your node’s operational environment. Create a dedicated directory named bot-ext , then create the following files under it.

bot-ext β”œβ”€β”€ config.toml β”œβ”€β”€ my-keystore └── Network.json

Editing the Configuration File

The operation of the node software requires a configuration file in TOML format named config.toml. Below are the contents and explanations of the configuration settings:

# Node name, for example: my-service-node
name = "my-service-ndoe"

# Super Node API Endpoint
superNodeEndPoint = "https://v2rpc.dappos.com"
# Service Node Configuration API Endpoint
superNodeAdminEndPoint = "https://api.dappos.com"

# RPC Configuration File Path
NetWorkInfoPath = './ext/Network.json'
# Keystore File Path
KeyStorePath = "./ext/my-keystore"
# Keystore File Password
AccountPassword = "********"

# Log parameter configuration
# Log file save path
path = "./logs/node.log"
# Log printing level: debug/info/warn/error
level = "info"
# Log file retention days
maxdays = 10

# Redis configuration
# Instance address, include the port number at the end, e.g., myredis.amazonaws.com:6379
addr = ""
# Instance password, leave as an empty string for no password
password = "{Your Redis Password}"
# Database index
database = 0

# Email configuration
# Sender's Email
smtpUser = "sender@example.com"
# Sender's password
smtpPasswd = "SENDER_PASSWORD"
# SMTP server address
smtpHost = "smtp.google.com"
# SMTP server port
smtpPort = 165
# Recipient address list
receivers = ["lily@test.com", "lucy@test.com"]
# Email subject
title = "Notification From Service Node"

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