Service Provider


Service Providers represent a fundamental component of the dappOS intent execution network, which are easy for anyone to join and contribute. Serving as a Service Node begins with registration, which requires the staking of a predetermined amount of tokens within the RegisterManager contract. This stake serves as collateral, enabling the node to take on tasks, with its task-handling capacity being proportional to the staked collateral's value. Each task is typically associated with a service fee, set by the Service Node itself.

Leveraging the flexible architecture of the dappOS intent execution network, Service Providers are poised to support a variety of value-specific tasks. Tasks are based on templates that must include:

  1. A comprehensive description of the task, outlining the end user’s objective and the conditions for task completion.

  2. Completion criteria, established to allow Execution Validators to verify the task’s status.

  3. The required collateral amount for a Service Node to undertake the task. Task dispatchers use this information to assess each Service Node’s current collateral and exclude those that fall short.

Templates can be created by anyone, provided they adhere to the specified criteria and the tasks are executable by the Service Providers. Currently there are two active templates: Real-Time Initiated dApp Interaction and Condition Based Inscription Minting.

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