Validator Tools

Pulling the Validator Tools Image You can pull the validator tools image with the following command: docker pull DappOS/validator-tools:v1.0.0

Generating a Private Key Generate a private key using the command below: docker run -v ./config:/config DappOS/validator-tools:v1.0.0 run new-private-key

Generating a Keystore File Generate a keystore file with this command, replacing placeholders with your actual private key, password, and the desired path for the keystore file: docker run -v ./config:/config DappOS/validator-tools:v1.0.0 run generate-keystore --private-key {Your Private Key} --password {Your Password} --path {Your Keystore Generate Path}

Database Initialization Initialize your database with the following command: docker run -v ./config:/config DappOS/validator-tools:v1.0.0 run database-init

Registering a Validator Node Register your node using the command below. Note: After registration, you must fulfill your voting obligations. Failing to do so will result in penalties. Ensure your service container is operational and use service monitoring to confirm node synchronization services are completed. docker run -v ./config:/config DappOS/validator-tools:v1.0.0 run register –stake-ks-path {Stake Account Keystore} –stake-ks-password {Stake Account Password} –amount {Stake Amount} –operation-ks-path {Operation Account Keystore} –operation-ks-password {Operation Account Password} –rpc-url {Your Node Host}

Adding to Your Stake Increase your stake amount with the following command: docker run -v ./config:/config DappOS/validator-tools:v1.0.0 run append-stake --stake-ks-path {Stake Account Keystore} --stake-ks-password {Stake Account Password} --amount {Stake Amount}

Applying to Reduce Stake Submit your request to reduce stake with this command. Note: If your account does not have sufficient stake available after the reduction, you will be unable to perform voting operations. docker run -v ./config:/config DappOS/validator-tools:v1.0.0 run node-unstake-apply --stake-ks-path {Stake Account Keystore} --stake-ks-password {Stake Account Password} --amount {Amount to Unstake}

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