πŸ“–About dappOS

dappOS is an intent execution network that empowers chains and dApps to be intent-centric.

It turns intents into on-chain outcomes by creating a two-sided marketplace: On the supply side, service providers stake collateral and opt into running one or more intent task execution services. And on the demand side, it enables developers to find solutions to fulfill users’ intents based on the status of users and the supply side.

To improve the efficiency and cover diversified use cases, dappOS introduced OMS(Optimistic Minimum Staking) , a new security mechanism that is extremely suitable for intent tasks. This mechanism requires intent tasks to be value-specific, which means users agree to accept a predefined number of compensation when these tasks fail. The network will allow service providers to execute tasks first and verify the results later. If the task fails, the network will reach a consensus about slashing related service providers to make sure each task will either be successful or compensate users properly.

In this way, service providers can provide whatever value-specific service that can be verified and only need to stake minimal collateral that is only more than the total value of ongoing intent tasks. Besides, since the rigorous verifying process happens after the task execution, users can benefit from the high speed while the network can adopt a very decentralized and strict verification strategy.

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