Editing the Configuration File

Configuration for the validator is detailed in config.toml. Modify the entries in this file to reflect your system's specific settings:

  • Ensure accurate paths to the keystore and network configuration.

  • Set the database connection details according to the initialized MySQL and Redis instances.

  • Adjust logging preferences to suit your monitoring needs.

# Node name, e.g., my-validator
name = "my-validator"

# Basic operational configuration
# RPC configuration file path
NetWorkInfoPath = '/network/network.json'
# Number of retries on database connection error
DatabaseErrorRetryCount = 3
# Interval between retries for database connection errors (milliseconds)
DatabaseErrorRetryTimeInterval = 5000

# MySQL configuration
# Database Host
host = "localhost"
# Database Port
port = 3306
# Username
user = "root"
# Password
password = "{Your Password}"
# Database Name
db_name = "dappos_validator"

# Redis configuration
# Instance address, include the port number at the end, e.g., myredis.amazonaws.com:6379
addr = ""
# Instance password, leave as an empty string for no password
password = "{Your Redis Password}"
# Database index
database = 0

# Keystore configuration
# Keystore file path
path = "/config/keystore"
# Keystore password
password = "{Your Password}"

# Log parameter configuration
# Log file save path
path = "logs/node.log"
# Log printing level: debug/info/warn/error
level = "info"
# Log file retention days
maxdays = 10

# Register Manager Contract configuration
# Chain ID for the register contract
chain_id = 204
# Token address for governance
token_address = ""
# Default block height for the register contract
default_block_height = 18472600
# Number of retries for the register contract
retry_count = 3

# Slash contract configuration
# Chain ID for the vote contract
chain_id = 1
# Address for the vote contract
contract_address = ""
# Number of retries for the vote contract
retry_count = 3

# Order challenge discovery service configuration
# Number of concurrent challenges
concurrent_number = 10
# Number of retries for challenge submission errors
retry_count = 3

# Voting service configuration
# Number of concurrent operations
concurrent_number = 10
# Number of retries for voting
retry_count = 3

# Asynchronous service basic configuration
# Batch voting cycle
batch_vote_time_interval = "10h"
# Validator punish permission status
validator_punish_start = true
# Validator punish service discovery cycle
validator_punish_time_interval = "10s"
# Health check cycle
healthy_check_time_interval = "1m"
# Allowed block height difference per health check cycle
max_block_height_diff_per_healthy_check_time_interval = 20
# Chain ID for the service node token
service_node_token_info_chain_id = 204
# Default block height for the service node token chain
service_node_token_info_default_block_height = 18125450
# Number of retries for service node token chain sync errors
retry_count_service_node_token_sync = 3

# Email alert configuration
# Email name
smtp_user = "{Your Email}"
# Email-SMTP authorization code
smtp_pass = "{Your SMTP Pass Code}"
# Email-SMTP Host
smtp_host = "{Your SMTP Host}"
# Email-SMTP Port
smtp_port = "{Your SMTP Port}"
# Alert recipients (for multiple recipients, separate with a comma)
receiver = "{Receiver User1},{Receiver User2}"

Last updated